Our Pre-purchase or full condition surveys are the most in depth of surveys, involving an out of the water inspection and usually a sea trial.
The vessel will be given a thorough inspection, working through a pre-determined checklist to ensure that no aspect of the vessel is missed. Typically this will involve as many as thirty or more
(depending on the type and size of the boat) areas or systems of the vessel.
Key features of a full condition survey:
- The hull and superstructure are checked for structural integrity, damage, and moisture content related faults.
- The drive and steering systems are checked for wear, corrosion, damage and proper operation.
- The condition and effectiveness of the galvanic protection system are checked.
- Engine(s) and generator(s) are given a thorough visual inspection and operational tests during a sea trial. Fluids (oil or coolant) can be drawn for professional analysis if required (at
additional cost).
- Electrical systems are checked for condition and correct operation.
- The rig (on sailing vessels) is checked for corrosion, tension, alignment, and wear. Note: this is only done to approximately 2m from the deck if the mast is stepped.
- All ancilary equipment is checked for condition and correct operation.
- The tender launch/recovery system (if fitted) is tested.
- Ground tackle and mooring arrangements are checked for corrosion, movement, wear, fractures and correct operation.
- All safety and fire fighting equipment found on board is visually inspected and any service records noted.
- Non destructive testing techniques are used.
- This is not an exhaustive list, as the requirements vary from boat to boat, but gives an indication of the depth of the inspection.
The results are compiled into a document, written in plain English, avoiding unecessary jargon and accompanied by high quality colour photographs where they help to highlight an issue. The report
is usually published in PDF format, although a printed copy can be supplied if requested.
An array of non-distructive techniques are employed as appropriate. These include capacitance and radio frequancy moisture meters, thermal imaging, ultrasonic thickness testing and